The Art and Tradition

The Original Chatham Blanket

The essence of our production is to maintain and preserve the heritage of American wool manufacture. We have taken great pains to produce wool cloth in a way that is true to our history and beliefs. Wool is processed on some of the same machinery that is was 100 years ago, but we also use modern equipment in finishing.

The Art and Tradition

The Original Chatham Blanket

Producing a vintage style wool blanket in the US today is a huge challenge. There are only four mills still operating that process wool and finish blankets in the same way. The Chatham mill, and countless others are long gone. The machinery and knowledge required is rarer and rarer.

  • Directed by Jon Dillon
  • Content by Alex Chatham
  • Written by Jason Couch
  • Special Thanks John Litschke

Vintage Designs

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